Pastoral Support

The pastoral team at Hebburn Comprehensive School is an important part of our school community. We strive to create a harmonious environment where the emphasis for all is on learning and achievement, where pupils feel safe and happy and where a culture of success and ambition is celebrated and embedded throughout the school and wider community.

Our pastoral team endeavour to raise the aspirations of all our young people, inculcating a respect for one another and for the value of learning and citizenship. Through challenge, partnership and support, we aim to raise standards of achievement; create a genuine sense of community spirit; and enhance our pupils’ life chances for the future.

At Hebburn Comprehensive, we believe there is an integral link between good behaviour, feeling safe, effective learning and enjoying and achieving. To ensure the most effective learning, all children have the right to work and to learn in an environment which is safe, secure and free from disruption.

The Pastoral Team 2024-2025

Head of Learning: Mr C Mulley

Intervention Manager: Miss S Woodcock








Mr L Armstrong

Mrs J Broadway

Mr L Reid

Ms N Bailes-Bhujel

Mr S Wilkinson

Mr P Wilson

Mrs L Fawcett

Head of Learning: Mrs Armstrong

Intervention Manager: Mrs CWelsh








Miss D Turner

Mrs R Beckford

Miss M Llanas / Mrs C Robson

Mr M Cousins

Mr M Ozuzu

Mr R Bowman

Miss S Hoy

Head of Learning: Mrs L Fawcett

Intervention Manager: Mrs R Bingham








Miss A Robinson

Mr J Blake

Mr Z Ishida

Miss A Endean

Miss S Siddiqui / Mrs K Miller

Mrs S Todd

Mrs P Henderson

Head of Learning: Mrs C Moore

Intervention Manager: Mrs V Beaney








Mr R Harrison

Mr R Fenwick

Miss M McGuinness

Mrs M Parry

Miss L Hadjikakou

Mr R Frame

Mrs L Millen

Head of Learning: Miss J Shield

Intervention Manager: Mrs E McDevitt








Mr G Ridley

Miss L Duguid

Mr D Hall

Mrs J Hall

Miss G Smith

Miss N Graham

Mr M Obee



Equipment List

Rewards and Recognition

Promoting The Positive Achievements Of Our Pupils

At Hebburn Comprehensive School, we recognise the importance of rewards and praise to recognise pupils’ achievements and hard work.

We aim to foster a positive attitude to all aspects of school life; the acknowledgement of learning – and of the positive attitudes which maximise learning – lies at the heart of all we do.

It is our aim to encourage all pupils to achieve their potential through a system which strives to reward through praise and acknowledgement of achievement.  This is done through*:

  • Praise in lessons;
  • Acknowledgement on the plasma screens around school;
  • Acknowledgement through the school’s social media platforms;
  • Celebration assemblies;
  • Comments and stickers in exercise books;
  • Merits;
  • Letters, postcards, phone calls or text messages home;
  • Awards Evening;
  • Certificates and Prizes.

*Please note that restrictions are currently in place due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


The Referral System

In order to have an outstanding environment for learning, we take a firm approach to any disruption and/or defiance in the classroom.

Consequence 1 (an opportunity to put things right)

If a pupil demonstrates any type of negative behaviour during a lesson, they will receive a C1 from the member of staff. This C1 should be sufficient and gives children the opportunity to rectify any issues before they escalate.

Consequence 2 (30 minute Detention)

As a school we are committed to delivering the highest standard of education to all pupils, in a safe and productive environment, where all children feel safe and happy. In order to achieve this and maximise all pupils’ learning potential, we have adjusted the way the warning system operates: if a pupil receives a second warning for continued poor behaviour, they will be issued with a detention. Please refer to the FAQs below for further information, or refer to our Behaviour and Rewards policy in the ‘Policies’ section of this website.

Consequence 2+ (C2+ HoKS/SLT Detention)

If a pupil receives a C2+, this will generate a detention with either a Head of Key Stage, or a member of the leadership team. A C2+ detention will last for one hour and it will be issued where behaviour warrants a greater degree of sanction than a C2, but lesser than a referral to the BSR (C3). A C2+ will be issued where there is a persistence of the behaviour outlined in our Behaviour and Reward Policy, or if a student walks away from a member of staff and/or is defiant on the corridor. A series of C2+ detentions could be issued as an alternative to a BSR placement, where deemed appropriate.

Consequence 3 (removal to BSR)

If a pupil receives a third warning, they will be referred to the Behaviour Support Room (BSR).

Consequence 3 (removal to BSR)

If a pupil receives a third warning, they will be referred to the Behaviour Support Room (BSR).


Detention FAQs:

What if my child accumulates a Consequence 2 in more than one lesson/subject?

Your child may receive more than one 15-minute detention, up to a maximum of 45 minutes, on the specified year group detention night(s), if he/she receives more than one ‘Consequence 2’. Your child will be on detention for a maximum of 45 minutes, unless they are given a Head of Learning or Leadership detention, in which case their detention could be longer: up to an hour long.

What happens if my child misses a detention?

This matter will be referred to your child’s Head of Learning, who will ensure that the detention is completed. If there are further issues a Leadership detention may be issued, or a referral to the BSR could be made.

How will I know if my child has been given a detention?

You will receive a text giving advanced notice of when the detention will be completed, on the designated year-group nights set out below.

When will detentions take place?

There are designated detention nights for each year-group. Please see below for further details:


Leadership Detentions (One hour long)


Where will detentions take place?

Detentions will be socially distanced and in designated year-group areas, so bubbles do not mix.

Can detentions be issued for reasons other than receiving a Warning 2 during lesson time?

Yes. Detentions could be set for a range of reasons, including: lack of homework, lateness, conduct at break or lunchtime; this list is not exhaustive and is meant to be illustrative, rather than prescriptive.

What if my child cannot attend detention due to an appointment or another pre-arranged commitment?

Please contact your child’s Head of Learning at the earliest opportunity, in order to rearrange the detention.

Mental Health

At Hebburn Comprehensive School, we understand that life can be challenging and that the current situation can cause extra stresses, which are often difficult to deal with. However, it is important to create a life balance to support yourself and your emotional wellbeing. Please find below a list of useful websites and resources for support with mental health:

For Pupils

Selfcare and Wellbeing Pack

This information in this pack will help you to be more aware of the importance of self-care and wellbeing. It will provide you with ideas about how to protect your mental health and emotional wellbeing through techniques such as journaling, breathing techniques and changing negative thoughts into positive thoughts:

Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community which is free, safe and provides anonymous support. There is a document attached to inform you how to create an account and log into the service. Further information is also provided through the following videos.

Kooth Video Links for Young People

Welcome to Kooth- Features:

Kooth Chat-

Kooth Mood Journal-

Kooth Magazine-

The following websites offer some accessible and useful support to you people too:

Contact us:

If you feel you would like further support/advice, please email when a member of the support team will be in contact with you.

For Parents/Carers is an online mental wellbeing community which is free, safe and provides anonymous support for young people aged between 10 – 25. For further information please refer to the accompanying letter to parents/carers (KOOTH South Tyneside letter to parents/carers). Further information is also provided through the following videos.

Welcome to Kooth- Features:

Kooth Chat-

Kooth Mood Journal-

Kooth Magazine-

MindED for Families

MindED for Families is a free learning resource about the mental health of children, young people and older adults, click on the link for further information.

There are three packs available: Children’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing pack, Young People Self-Care and Wellbeing pack and Advice for Parents. The Children’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing pack provides a collection of resources to support children to understand their emotions; this could be useful for families with younger children who are struggling. Young People Self-Care and Wellbeing pack provides self-help resources for issues commonly faced by teens. The Advice for Parents provides supporting information for parents/carers to accompany the other two packs.

For more information regarding young people and mental health please visit;

Healthy Minds Team Mental Health Packs

If you find that you are struggling with your own mental health or wellbeing, you can access support for yourself by visiting:

If you feel you would like further support/advice, please email when a member of the support team will be in contact with you.


Hebburn Comprehensive School believes that in order to facilitate the highest standards in teaching and learning, good attendance is crucial. Pupils cannot achieve their full potential if they do not regularly attend school.

We are committed to:

  • Promoting and modelling good attendance;
  • Reducing absence, including persistent absence, by acting early;
  • Ensuring that pupils are punctual;
  • Rewarding regular attendance;
  • Ensuring parents perform their legal duty in relation to the framework set in Section 7 of the Education Act 1996 which states that:

“The parent of every child of compulsory school age shall cause him/her to receive efficient full-time education suitable:

a) to age, ability and aptitude and

b) to any special educational needs he/she may have Either by regular attendance at school or otherwise”.

We recognise the link between high levels of attendance and individual pupil achievement. We acknowledge that regular attendance at school is fundamental in equipping young people with the necessary social and academic skills to enable them to go on to become valuable members of society. Research shows us that those students who fail to engage in education have more limited opportunities and are at a higher risk of being involved in anti-social behaviour and an early introduction to the criminal justice system.