Hebburn Comprehensive is an 11-16 mixed community school, with the majority of pupils coming from the town of Hebburn or its neighbour, Jarrow, large pockets of both suffering from significant deprivation. We have an increasing number of pupils joining the school from other parts of South Tyneside, as well as our neighbouring local authority, Gateshead. The school is smaller than average, with 912 pupils currently on roll. Historically, our Key Stage 2 APS has been below the national average, often significantly below. According to the latest information from Public Health England, South Tyneside is one of the 20% most deprived districts/unitary authorities in England, with the wards of Hebburn South and Hebburn North amongst the most deprived 10% nationally.
The proportion of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding, at 50.01%, is almost double the national average. The number of pupils eligible for free school meals is significantly above average, at 48.7%. The number of pupils with an EHCP is 0.7% (above average), the number of pupils with SEN support is above national average, at 18.3%.
Regardless of context, we are fiercely ambitious for our pupils. Our vision is to have a harmonious community where the emphasis for all is on learning and achievement, where pupils feel safe and happy and where a culture of success and ambition is embedded and celebrated throughout the school and wider community. As a school, we aim to raise the aspirations of all our young people, inculcating a respect for one another and for the values of learning, citizenship and tolerance. Through challenge, partnership and support, we aim to continue to raise standards of achievement; create a genuine sense of community spirit; and enhance all of our pupils’ life chances for the future.
We remain resolute in our conviction that our curriculum must be inclusive, ambitious and designed to give all pupils, particularly our most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities or high needs, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.