History Curriculum Intent

The intent of our History curriculum is to deliver Schemes of Learning that are accessible to all and will maximise outcomes for every child. Through our curriculum, pupils will extend and deepen their chronologically and secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world historyPupils will be able to identify significant events, make connections, draw contrasts, and analyse trends within periods and over longer arcs of time. Through the development of key skills, pupils will be able to use historical terms and concepts in increasingly sophisticated ways. Pupils will understand how different types of historical sources are used and will be able to discern how and why contrasting arguments and interpretations of the past have been constructed.  

History is not just about the knowledge of the past, but also develops the following key skills: 

  • Literacy and numeracy 
  • Collaborative working 
  • Analysis and evaluation  
  • Critical thinking 
  • Self-review and assessment 
  • Independent learning  


We also aim to encourage pupils to have enquiring minds, with the ability to ask relevant questions and construct rational argumentshaving looked at a range of evidence and views. This aspect of history is particularly important in the age of social media and the idea of ‘fake news’. Through history, we can give pupils the necessary tools to enable them to be well- informed about the information they are viewing and absorbing on a daily basis. 

Key Stage Three

The curriculum at KS3 is enquirybased, with each enquiry focused on key substantive and second order concepts. The curriculum has been designed to help build on pupils’ prior knowledge and understandingwith appropriate stretch and challenge. Substantive concepts will focus on power, war, empire, revolution and some thematic and some indepth but all fit together to give a broad understanding of Britain’s historical development, its role in shaping the world and the worlds role in shaping Britain.  

Enquiries are based on various factors 

  • Diversity and representativeness: The Britain we live in is vibrant and diverse. we want to pay meaningful attention to the diversity of past societies, represent the lived experiences of different groups, and explore the interconnectedness of British and wider world history. 
  • OverviewHistory is vast. With our careful selectionswe aim to give a broad overview of the key events and people who have shaped the world in which we live. 
  • Future learningIt is key that the pupils have some secure grounding in the knowledge they will need for future learning at GCSE and beyond. Topics should allow them to have a greater understanding of the context in which other events are happening. 

Key Stage Four

Students opting for History will be studying the AQA specification. The students will develop their abilities across the key skills areas of knowledge and understanding explanation and analyse using second-order historical concepts, analysisevaluation of sources and interpretations (including how and why interpretations may differ) in order to become increasingly familiar with the challenging requirements of the linear exam. Topics include The USA from 1920-73, Conflict and tension between 1919-39, Health and the people 1000-present and Elizabethan England (including a historical site) 


Those leaving in 2021 follow the OCR SHP History B Curriculum. 


Key Stage Three  

Students will complete 3 formal assessments a year which follow one of the key concepts in history as described above. Throughout each half term there will be checkpoints where skills for extended writing are developed and assessed. 

Key Stage Four

Regular knowledge recall tasks are completed, with quizzes set using Microsoft forms, Seneca and GCSEPod 

Pupils will be assessed as part of the whole-school assessment windows. Assessments will be set following the AQA examstyle questions or past papers. 

Jobs directly linked to history are sometimes difficult to find, but the following skills taught through history will open many doors: 

  • investigation and research techniques – collecting evidence and assessing how reliable, relevant or biased it may be 
  • analysing situations and events and identifying causes and effects 
  • the management and presentation of information 
  • the ability to argue a case 
  • writing skills 
  • the ability to think critically and form considered opinions on the basis of the evidence available. 

These skills are required at all levels of employment. Jobs directly relating to history often require study at higher level.  

In higher education, you can study history on its own, or you can combine it with other subjects, or branch off into other subjects like law or politics. There is a huge range of combinations available. It is best to look at university prospectuses to find out more. 

As a subject in its own right, it is possible to take a broad-based degree in history. Alternatively, you can specialise in the history of a particular area/country, such as American or Europe or in a particular period, such as medieval or modern history

There are also some degree and foundation degree courses in subjects such as heritage management/studies and museum studies.  

Using history in a career 

One approach to looking at careers that use history is as follows: 

  • work involving discovering more about history 
  • careers that are about collecting history and safeguarding it for the future 
  • jobs where the purpose is communicating history and sharing it with others 
  • work where you could be involved in making history yourself 
  • other jobs that make use of the skills and knowledge learned through history. 

Discovering History 

Archaeologists – Find evidence of the past by digging at sites. 

Academic Researchers – Publish books on subjects. They often are educators in universities as well. 

These require specific degrees  

Collecting History 

Archivists – This involves cataloguing legal and governmental documents in a library 

Museum work  – Museums employ a wide range of staff including curators, conservation staff, educational and administrative staff. Employment in museums is competitive; curators hold at least a graduate qualification in a relevant subject. 


Restoration   Most people working in this field specialise in a specific type of conservation or restoration, such as ceramics, paintings, textiles or books. The jobs available vary enormously – from those that require skills in a particular craft, through to those requiring postgraduate qualifications. 

Heritage management – Looking after historic sites such as jobs in English heritage and National trust. 

Working in antiques 

Communicating History 



Making History 

Jobs in the Civil Service, local government and law make use of the skills you gain through studying history, and people working at senior levels in these areas of work can be involved in decisions that shape our future society. Perhaps you may even consider entering politics, where an understanding of the past is helpful in developing effective policies for the future. 



Journalism, travel and tourism, working with charitiesworking in the computer games industry (history is prized in the age of Assassins creed and some other games), Heraldry and genealogy (although opportunities are limited for full-time work)police and the Armed Forces.