RE | |||||
Intent | Religious Education is an academic subject which gives pupils the opportunity to study religion from a theological; philosophical and sociological lens; address challenging questions about the meaning & purpose of life; beliefs about God; ultimate reality; issues of right & wrong and what it means to be human. In RE pupils learn about religious and non-religious worldviews in order to discover, explore and consider different answers to these questions. They learn to interpret, analyse, evaluate and critically respond to the claims that religious & non-religious worldviews make.
South Tyneside has a long and proud history of being a diverse and tolerant community, with people of all religions and those with none. RE at Hebburn Comprehensive School reflects our diverse community, providing opportunities for our young people to explore their own and other people’s beliefs, values and traditions. It gives young people the opportunity to challenge racism, discrimination and stereotypical views and encourage respect and tolerance of others. Throughout the key stages, opportunities are provided for pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of religions and world views, critical thinking and personal reflection. The curriculum is planned to ensure that the range of enquiry questions are explored – philosophical, theological, phenomenological, sociological and ethical enquiries – using the South Tyneside Agreed Syllabus. Christianity is systematically taught as the main religious worldview in Britain, alongside Islam, Buddhism and Humanism. Other religions and worldviews, such as Hindu Dharma, Judaism and Sikhism are taught through thematic studies across KS3 and KS4 Core RS.
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | |
Topics | -What are religion & worldviews?
-Does God Exist? -What does it mean to be a Buddhist?
-What does it mean to be a Muslim?
-Is it the duty of religions to fight against prejudice & discrimination?
-Is death the end?
-How do Christians make moral decisions?
-Can taking a life ever be justified? -Capital Punishment -Abortion
GCSE RS -Issues of Human Rights -Christian Beliefs -Issues of Good & Evil -Muslim Beliefs |
-Can taking a life ever be justified? -Euthanasia
GCSE RS -Issues of Relationships -Issues of Life and Death -Christian Practices -Muslim Practices
Homework | Set by class teacher via TEAMS
Set by class teacher via TEAMS
Set by class teacher via TEAMS
Fortnightly – key terms; exam question practice; knowledge retrieval; religious teaching review & revision | Fortnightly – key terms; exam question practice; knowledge retrieval; religious teaching review & revision |
As a school maintained by the Local Authority, the school has no religious affiliation, but Religious Education is included in the curriculum for all pupils. RE is an academic subject and is inclusive, covering religious and non-religious worldviews. Parents who wish to withdraw their child from these lessons must contact the school, and will need to make such a request in writing to the Head Teacher. Please contact Ms Pickard ( for more information.
Religious Education is a subject that fits into almost every aspect of life and can form a fundamental part of most career pathways.
Some of the main careers that will benefit from a qualification in Religious Education are:
- Doctors & Nurses
- Judges & lawyers
- Police Force
- Armed Forces
- Journalism
- Care workers
- Social Workers
- Teachers
- Catering
- The Arts
Being religiously literate helps you understand the world around you and the society you live in. Being tolerant and someone who embraces our differences are all qualities that employers value, regardless of the job.