I hope all families have had an enjoyable Christmas.I sure you will be aware of yesterday’s announcement from the government.
Our updated plans for pupils returning in January are outlined below:
Monday 4th January – staff training day (please note that there will be no pupils in school).
Tuesday 5th January – vulnerable and key/critical worker pupils in school only (parents/carers should have contacted either Mrs Payne of the key worker inbox). Pupils should report to school at 8.45am, at the pupil entrance, adhering to social distancing and wearing a face covering, unless exempt. There will be a lunch service, but packed lunches can be brought in. Pupils should be in school uniform. The school day will end at 2.45pm.
All other pupils will access remote learning via Teams. If you don’t have access to an electronic device, please contact your child’s Head of Learning to arrange paper copies of work.
W/c 11 January – Year 11, vulnerable and key/critical worker pupils in school only. All other pupils will access remote learning.
W/c 18 January – all pupils return to school, as per arrangements before we broke up for Christmas
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr Thompson